Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sciatic Nerve Treatment – The Weight Factor

The First Factor--Weight Loss: Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica ...

http://TheBadBackGuy.net Understanding the 5 major factors contributing to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica is crucial. In this video we discuss the 1st of the 5 factors: Excess weight and obesity.

We have talked about the 5 factors I feel are most responsible for neck pain, back pain, and sciatica. Of course there are others, like stress and stress-related and trauma-related events but most of those can be traced back to some sort of issue with the spine associated with one of the 5 contributory factors:
1) Excess weight and/or obesity
2) Muscle weakness (to include atrophy due to a sedentary lifestyle)
3) Muscle imbalances (perhaps the least understood of the 5 factors)
4) Inadequate diet and nutrition (a combination of the proper foods at the right times and in the right amounts)
5) Dehydration (or lack of proper hydration due to inadequate fluid intake)

The 5 factors are, once again, not the only factors contributing to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, but they are the ones that in my opinion set an individual up for:
1) Spine-related stress injuries
2) Being more susceptible to traumatic injuries to the spine
3) Being more susceptible to age-progressive phenomena (e.g., degenerative disc disease)
4) And a myriad of other pathologies and injuries to the musculoskeletal system generally, and the spine specifically.

Once the musculoskeletal system begins to weaken, there is a ripple effect throughout the body, both in terms of structure and function. As the body struggles to adapt and to compensate for weaknesses, deficiencies, and other spine-health related issues neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica become a reality. As we age, the effects of an overall breakdown in the system have lasting consequences, some of which cannot be offset or reversed.

However, many may be slowed and some may be reversed with the proper spine-health strategy, meaning you must deal with the 5 factors.

The proper neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief and treatment strategy, combined with a focus on overall musculoskeletal health generally and spine health specifically, will lead to a significant reduction in present pain levels and a reduction of future stress-related and traumatic injuries to the spine.

We will deal with each of the 5 factors in depth over the next week, as we begin to wrap up the current The 30 Day Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Relief and Treatment Challenge. It is my hope that by understanding each of these key factors you will have the necessary information to begin your journey towards a pain free life...a life free of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica.

The 5 Factors and Neck Pain Back Pain, and Sciatica
Factor Number One: Excess Weight and/or Obesity

Understanding the 5 contributory factors responsible for most instances of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica is crucial, not only to help our understanding...why we have neck, back and/or sciatic nerve pain, but how to find real and lasting relief.

Additionally, if we understand the contributory factors responsible for much of the reported neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica, we can speak intelligently with our medical practitioner about possible treatment and pain relief strategies.

In other words, the more we know, the faster we will find relief. The sooner we are able to find lasting relief from our neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica, the sooner we will have our lives back.

No one wants to live in pain, particularly spine-related pain. The first of the five factors responsible for neck pain, back pain, and sciatica is excess weight and/or obesity. In order to deal with this factor it is, quite obviously, necessary for us to lose weight. Through weight loss, we can alleviate or eliminate entirely our neck pain, back pain, and sciatica.

But it takes a first step!

http://TheBadBackGuy.net Is the first step!

You can read more at 2 of my neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief blogs.


Tracking the latest 30 Day Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Relief Challenge.



With a number of articles and videos on all aspects of dealing with neck pain, back pain, and sciatica.
Best wishes for a pain free life!
Contact me any time!
Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
866-835-2913 (toll free)
Skype: johnzajaros1

Sciatic Nerve Treatment – sense treatment for the symptoms and causes of ischiagra, a condition brought on by a register of possible irritants of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the bring down back, through your buttocks and legs quite the way down to your feet.

The competent sciatic nerve treatment for your sciatic pain depends on the underlying create: sciatica nerve treatment for herniated disks decree be different from sciatica nerve handling for strained muscles or for osteoarthritis of the ridge. Before getting any kind of method of treating for your sciatica pain or self-treating put in order sure you’ve gotten a own diagnosis of the underlying cause of your peculiar sciatica.

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